safe space
metaphorical walk trough my self-created environment
you get lost and then you come back home
What makes a place a home?
What makes a blank space my home?
self portrait
Who I claim to be

How I would like to be perceived
How I like to present myself
Who I would like to be

What objects say about you
What objects say about your understanding of your self

You present who you are
You present the social category you feel you belong
You make u

„In our culture, individuals are to great extent
what they claim to be,

When these claims
Are, by some sober sociological reckoning,


Grant McCracken, Culture and Consumption

What do I claim to be?
"Objects can be seen as the blank slates upon which we project our needs, desires, ideas and values. As such, material culture contains a wealth of information about who we are, who we want to be."
- K. Kris Hirst
"(...) the less tangible was grounded in the more tangible."
- Daniel Miller
design objects - participative objects
how do you make the objects your own? or why are they already your own?
question of participating objects
. bought
. bought and redefined
. second-hand bought
. found
. harmonized
more than function
When I moved here I brought two bags of belongings. Mostly clothes, some objects that felt important to me,
People were laughing about
What do you need it for?

But when I arrived
there was. This
Empty space

That I could not fill with my bags
I didn’t have enough
How does home feel?
Obviously not like the place I moved in

How would I appropriate it
I started collecting.
Finding and collecting.
I started surrounding me with objects again
Objects that felt like home
Objects with whom I could fill this white hole.
Is that so

Who were they
And what did they give me

I filled it with all I could find
Desperately trying
Building up this pile of what
Making it full again
Full of possession. Not possession
But the embodiment of something I had not
Working against the emptiness

Objects that I don’t need
But somehow need
Not for living
But for what they stand for
For their association

Safe space

I needed to recreate this concept of my life
That I had left
I thought I’d go away and realize that I don’t need the objects that I filled my home with
That I’d come back pure

But I have to face the fact
That I am afraid of letting go
Of the objects
Of the concept of life they stand for
Of the concept that I imagined my life to be
A concept of life that is objects

What is my life when not the manifestation of objects?
There has to be something
Something not physical
Why is it so hard What is left when there are no objects?

They are warm to me
Giving me footing
Would the association

What would it need to

You ask if it helped?
Yes and no. I think at first yes
they helped me a while
Covering the fact
That I just don’t belong here
That this is no space for me

They cannot replace what’s not there
Between people

In the end I still
I have to move
Will I have to bring them with me?
Do I need them in a place that already feels like home?
Is it more than replacement?

What is it?
sharing your materiality with someone
transformation of every day objects into -home?
participatory objects ->
walk didn't stop - where is it going?
52 Portraits was a year long online project which released a gestural portrait of a different dance artist each week, with songs drawn from verbatim interviews. ->
walk along the objects - to the rhythm of my thoughts
next step: understanding my objects by getting in touch
"The intention of the lyrics is to throw the usual idea of the perfect, blessed, angelic dancer figure, and focus on more interesting, conflicting and contradicting information and ideas about what a dancer might be and why we might dance, and to expose the hidden politics of dance practice."